Carson, Mike
ANN (True to the Faith)
Mike Carson's fun harmonization of the Evan Stephens hymn tune ANN (Tr..
BETHANY (Nearer, My God, to Thee)
Mike Carson has written a gentle re-harmonization of the hymn tune BET..
Brightly Beams Our Father's Mercy
Mike Carson has provided organists with another beautiful organ solo w..
Christ The Lord Is Risen Today (Hymn Inspirations)
This three stave edition of the popular Easter hymn "Christ The Lord I..
DUANE STREET (A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief)
The final two verses of hymn tune DUANE STREET (A poor Wayfaring Man o..
FIDELITY (How Firm a Foundation) [PDF]
Straightforward, dignified, exhilarating, powerful — here’s an interlu..
God Loved Us, So He Sent His Son
Lush and beautiful aptly describes Mike Carson's setting of the Sacram..
God of Our Fathers, Whose Almighty Hand (Hymn Inspirations)
This three stave edition of the majestic hymn "God of Our Fathers, Who..
Hail to the Brightness of Zion's Glad Morning! (BRIGHTNESS)
This fantastic introduction/harmonization and interlude for the hymn t..
KRAMBAMBULI (The Time Is Far Spent)
Mike Carson's free accompaniment for the hymn "The Time Is Far Spent" ..
Let Us All Press On (COURAGE)
Mike Carson's rousing harmonization for the hymn tune COURAGE (Let Us ..
LUCAS (Come, Let Us Anew)
This marvelous introduction and alternate harmonization for the New Ye..
O Ye Mountains High (LILY DALE)
This alternate harmonization for the hymn tune LILY DALE (O Ye Mountai..
This exhilarating interlude and final verse for "Do What Is RIGHT" (OA..
Rejoice, the Lord Is King! (Hymn Accompaniment)
This three stave edition of the majestic hymn "Rejoice, the Lord Is Ki..
Ring Out, Wild Bells, Postlude on
The Crawford Gates hymn tune MARSDEN has been masterfully set for orga..
ST. LOUIS (O Little Town of Bethlehem)
The beloved Christmas hymn "O Little Town of Bethlehem" (ST. LOUIS) ha..
Where Can I Turn for Peace?
This lovely setting of the popular LDS Hymn "Where Can I Turn for Peac..