Unsworth, Andrew
America the Beautiful
Andrew Unsworth's bold setting of the popular patriotic hymn America t..
DENNIS (How Gentle God's Commands)
Organist Andrew Unsworth's free harmonization of the Hymn "How Gentle ..
DIX (For the Beauty of the Earth)
This free accompaniment on the popular hymn tune DIX (For the Beauty o..
EASTER HYMN (Christ the Lord Is Risen Today)
Andrew Unsworth's harmonization for "Christ the Lord Is Risen Today" (..
How Great the Wisdom and the Love (MORMON)
A thoughtful re-harmonization of the familiar Sacrament hymn "How Grea..
HYFRYDOL (In Humility, Our Savior)
Another thoughtful reharmonization of the tune HYFRYDOL by organist An..
Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee (ST. AGNES)
The John B. Dykes hymn tune ST. AGNES (Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee..
LASST UNS ERFREUEN (All Creatures of Our God and King)
The popular hymn tune LASST UNS ERFREUEN (All Creatures of Our God and..
Oh Say, What Is Truth? (JAQUES)
The hymn tune JAQUES (Oh Say, What Is Truth?) has been masterfully re-..
Press Forward, Saints (EDGECOMBE)
Andrew Unsworth's alternate harmonization for Press Forward, Saints (E..
Redeemer of Israel (DULCIMER)
This powerful re-harmonization by Andrew Unsworth of the hymn tune DUL..
SINCLAIR (Dearest Children, God Is Near You)
Andrew Unsworth has re-harmonized the Hymn tune SINCLAIR, also know as..
Sweet Is the Work (DOUGLASS)
John J. McClellan's hymn tune DOUGLASS (Sweet Is the Work) has been re..
Sweet Is the Work (DOUGLASS)
John J. McClellan's hymn tune DOUGLASS (Sweet Is the Work) has been re..
Ye Simple Souls Who Stray
Andrew Unsworth has written a calming prelude on the Evan Stephens hym..