About WardOrganist.com

A division of OrganMusicDownloads.com LLC, WardOrganist.com was founded in 2007 with the objective of improving organ music in LDS worhip services by offering quality organ music that is convenient and affordable, and providing online resources designed to aid the amateur organist.

Quality Organ Music that is Convenient and Affordable

The convenience and quality of the organ music offered by WardOrganist.com is outstanding. The ability to quickly select, purchase, download, and print organ music from home is particularly appealing. WardOrganist utilizes the versatility of PDF (Portable Document Format) to provides LDS organists with hymn-based sheet music via download. This music includes:

  • LDS Hymn-based Preludes and Postludes composed in a variety of styles.
  • Alternate hymn harmonizations for unison singing or other special occasions.
  • Three-stave editions of LDS hymns scored for organ in a variety of voicings.
  • Other sacred organ music that may be appropriate for LDS worship services is available for download at our sister site OrganMusicDownloads.com.

Affordable aptly describes the organ music available at WardOrganist.com. Provided to organists at a minimal cost, and designed to enhance and simplify weekly preparation for Sunday services, the organ music available at WardOrganist.com has been selected, composed, and arranged by many leading LDS organists.


Online Resources

WardOrganist.com has also been designed to serve as a clearinghouse for information relevant to LDS organists, including: basic organ technic, organ registration, selecting music for preludes and postludes, hymn playing, using alternate harmonizations effectively, and organ resources available on the web.

How WardOrganist.com Works

WardOrganist.com allows you to download sheet music after your purchase by providing you with a link to the music that is available for five (5) downloads. Files are provided in Portable Document Format (PDF).You will need the free Adobe® Reader® to view downloaded music files. Select the following icon to download this file.

Payments and Credit Card Processing

Credit card processing is handled securely through  through PayPal. Purchasing through PayPal allows customers to make purchases using a valid credit card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, or Discover) or bank account without having a PayPal account. To pay with either a credit card or PayPal account, follow the instructions on the payment screen.

You can shop at WardOrganist.com with confidence.